February Catch-up

Linking up with Kristen today to chat about how my February went!

This month felt like it lasted 987675789 years, no joke. After coming back to work from January's flu, I definitely felt the overwhelm. I had a hard time focusing on tasks and was pretty anxious about some impending workplace changes that are happening. 

I took up blogging again after almost a year break from my (short-lived) last attempt, and have really been enjoying it. I have loved learning about stuff like link ups, reaching out to other bloggers, and reading new content. I'm shifting towards the style and content I like, as opposed to what I thought had to exist on my platform.

This one is SO stupid... but I FINALLY caught up on all my laundry and I'm proud to say that I am keeping up with it. I also finally got around to washing my Converse (exciting stuff, I know). 

I had a great time catching up with friends, both old and new. I also reached out to two friends who I had lost touch with. I am hoping to continue making friendships a priority. They truly feed my soul. 

I started consuming new content (SHOCKER!) on Netflix. This doesn't seem like a big deal, but trust me, for me it is. Prior to this, I just watched and re-watched NCIS and Hawaii 5-0 for like a year and a half straight. 

I stayed late at work a lot, but towards the end I actually started leaving work on time (and sometimes even early!). I had forgotten how nice that was, to get home before it was dark. I definitely want to keep doing that. No task is that important that it warrants working over 40 hours. It can wait. 

I didn't obsess over ovulation dates, OPKs, or BBTs. I was still sad when I realized we would go another month without getting pregnant, but I recovered much quicker. I found myself happy for others around me that were pregnant or showcasing photos of their precious little ones instead of growing resentful towards them. I still keep my distance though, and have consciously stayed off Facebook because some days, it is just really hard. 

I made some really yummy HelloFresh meals this month... my favorites were Korean chicken, meatloaf balsamico, and cheesy chicken shepard's pie. I think, if hubby and I decide to go plant-based (which seems like a viable option at this point), I will have to pause the service until we get the hang of our new diet- whoops, I meant lifestyle. Has anyone gone plant-based yet continues cooking with HelloFresh? Does the veggie plan offer good options? I'd love to know. 

Alrighty, that's about it! I think now that I am going to try to do this link up every month, I will start snapping more photos so I can add them to these posts. This was really fun! I enjoyed reflecting back on the month- it's not something I would typically do otherwise. Thank you to Kristen for hosting this fun link up!

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