Friday Favorites | trampoline park, working from home, quality time, and (of course) puppy pics

Happy Friday! I am SO thankful that it's the weekend. Much like last week, this week was so stressful both with work and with life in general. I have a quick list of favorites to share with you all so here we go, TGIF!

My husband had a day off this week! Summer is a super busy season at his company, and he's only had 1 or 2 days off since our vacation last month. He works third shift (overnights), and with my long hours we rarely see each other for more than a couple hours a day, if  we're lucky. Some days I'm just walking in the door as he's walking out. I've missed him, a lot. We went out to dinner at a local gourmet burger place, and we both got the mac and cheese burger with fries and crafts beers. We grabbed ice cream after, too. It was so nice to be "normal" for a night, and to spend quality time together. Cooper was SO happy he got to sleep with both mommy and daddy in the same bed lol. He of course bunkered down right in the middle of us and was as happy as can be. 

I am LOVING the new case that I purchased from Amazon for my work-issued laptop. It's so beautiful and in my opinion, such good quality for the price! It came with three pieces- the snap on case, the keyboard protector and a screen protector. You can't beat that for under $20.

I have been sucked into the world of presets, folks. I don't know what it is, I just love how they make photos look- but I don't love the price! I've been making do with the Photoshop Express app on my phone and the filter "Pastel". My house hardly has any natural light so I love how bright it makes my photos look. Maybe one day I'll buy presets when they go on sale or something, but for now I'll just stick to Photoshop and my Instagram filters!

My new favorite Instagram artist is Morgan Harper Nichols, who creates beautiful watercolor/ print graphics with really motivating and comforting quotes. I love everything about her work- the muted color pallet, the relatable quotes, and how much I connect with everything she has to say. I hope you check her out and give her a follow!

This week I was so especially thankful for a flexible work schedule, and the ability to work from home. I am able to make my own schedule, and as long as I meet my hours, I can work whatever times work best. I have set session times that I have to attend, but the other hours of my week have a lot more wiggle room. I was grateful that I could take a "time out" from the office to work from home on a day that I couldn't face people and needed some alone time. 

Speaking of work, I took one of my kiddos on an outing this week. We went to the trampoline park and had so much fun. He was SO happy and we actually got to work on really meaningful skills. It was SO nice to have fun at work, and I know my kiddo appreciated the "break" as well. I don't remember the last time either of us laughed that much during session. I'm going to make it a regular thing, because every now and again we all need a break when we work so hard everyday.  

I have definitely mentioned this a lot in my recent posts, but I have so enjoyed using my public library. I use the Overdrive app to borrow ebooks and last week I borrowed a bunch of physical books too. It's been a fun nostalgic experience, going into the library and browsing the stacks. 

Infertility was once again weighing heavily on my mind this week, so I blogged about some of my favorite infertility support accounts here

I haven't done this in quite a few Friday Favorites, but here are my favorite puppy pictures that I have taken recently. Cooper is a favorite every week, of course. 

That's all I've got today! Hope everyone had a great week, and cheers to the weekend! 
Linking up with WhitneyAndrea, and Lindsay


  1. I love that last MHN quote .

    Cooper is adorable! My sister's Jack Russell tucks himself in like that.

  2. Having the ability to make your own work hours is awesome, I’d love if my work did that.
    That laptop case thingy is probably one of the nicest cases I’ve ever seen.
    That’s nice you were able to see your hubby and that he had a day off in his hectic schedule. My hubby used to do rotating shifts and it was so hard on him. That’s nice your pup got to have you both in bed for snuggles too. :)
    Hope you had a good week hun! :)


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