Recent Reads | July 2019 (basically, an homage to Sarah J. Maas and Nora Roberts)

It's been a little while since I did a dedicated post to all the books I've read recently. Since my last update, I've read about 6 books and am in the middle of 2 more. Surprisingly, I've dived into a few new series from several genres- fantasy, futuristic police procedural, and historical fiction. I say "surprisingly" because usually I am a standalone reader, and never feel compelled to start series. I guess that's changed lately. Something else that has changed is my enjoyment of reading fantasy/ futuristic stories. It's been a great stress relief to curl up with a book before bed that's completely different from everyday reality, and it's been a great way to escape. Anyway, enough rambling from me. Let's cut to the chase and talk books, shall we?

Recently Read... 

An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekannen | I loved this story! The book really spoke to the psychology lover in me, as it is rooted in a psychological experiment on morality and choices and explores the relationship between a psychologist and her experiment's participant. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and I'm pretty sure I read this in a 24-hour time span. I had been in a slight reading slump before picking this up, but it got me right back into reading pretty quickly after starting it. 

The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware | Ruth Ware and I have a love-hate relationship. I love her writing and the atmosphere she injects into her stories but the plot points are just OK for me. Even though this was a pretty slow read, I really enjoyed it. I had a serious sense of dread while reading and it kept me guessing until the very end. So far, this is my favorite Ruth Ware and it made me pre-order her  newest release, The Turn of the Key, which I hope to get to in the next month as well. 

Naked in Death, Glory in Death, and Immortal in Death by JD Robb (Nora Roberts) | You can't deny that Nora Roberts is the most prolific modern-day commercial fiction author- trust me, it's for a reason. I read three of these books back-to-back and I think it's what started me on the fantasy kick that I'm on. This is a 48-book series about a New York City homicide detective, living and solving crimes in a futuristic world that features advanced technology. I am loving it so far- and the romance... so swoon-worthy. I'm also excited about the prospect of so many books to read and not having to wait years in between installments. Saying I'm enjoying this series is an understatement- as soon as I finish one, I immediately pick up the next book. That hasn't happened to me in a really long time. 

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas | I had this on my Kindle for years before I randomly picked it up last month. I loved it! It's fast paced, funny, has great characters, and I loved the little hints to a murder mystery that was sprinkled with other-worldly creatures. A definite fave, that's for sure. I already picked up the second book and have the third one on hold at my library. (Side note: There's a year-long Throne of Glass read-along going on that is hosted by MissSassyKassie and Britni's Book Find, complete with monthly live shows recapping their reviews on their YouTube channels! I am 2 books behind but hope to catch up soon and join in on the fun in real time. Its such a fun way to experience reading the series.)

Currently Reading... 

Crown of Midnight | I am about 28% into Book 2 in the Throne of Glass series. This picks up where Book 1 left off, with Celaena officially starting her new job as the King's Champion (ahem, assassin)... and doing what she needs to do to survive and get her freedom back. So far, there's danger, mystery, high stakes, swoon-ey men, sweet friendship, rebellion, and (I think) a Fae-centered storyline. What more could you ask for in a book? I'm loving this series- and for a non-fantasy reader, that's saying something. Who am I?!

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon | I've had Outlander on my Kindle for about 3 years. Outlander is a hugely popular show and has been on my radar for a long time, but I always try to read the book before watching its screen adaptation... so I guess I will start the show after I finish this, as my reward. I am super early into this but I LOVE the writing. I'm excited to see where it goes next. I think she's about to go back in time within the next few pages. Can't wait to meet Jamie Frasier! 

What I'm thinking about picking up next...  

The Fifth Letter by Nicola Moriarty | I saw this randomly on an audiobook deals app, read the synopsis, and immediately borrowed it from my library. These days it's rare that I pick up a book I have never heard of just based on its description. I usually read books that have been recommended by people on social media, so this is bringing me back to the golden age of reading when I would pick books that just sounded good! I'm excited to dive in. It's about a group of old friends who write letters to each other about their deepest, darkest secrets- except one of those letters contain a life-shattering secret that they could have never imagined. Sounds good, no?! I can't wait!

Rapture in Death by JD Robb | The next installment in the In Death Series. I'm LOVING Eve and Roarke's story. These books are like candy- fun to read, addictive, intense, and the writing is fantastic. In Death would make a great TV show. Hello, CBS... what are you doing?!

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas | I'm nowhere near ready to pick this one up, but I've heard this is a lot of people's favorite book and that it's where the series really starts to pick up. I'm so excited to see what happens next. 

What have you been reading lately? I'm always looking for recommendations- let me know in the comments!

Linking up with Steph.


  1. I love the books that break reading slumps! Maybe I'll look into Anonymous Girl -- I wasn't a fan of The Wife Between Us but the reviews of this one seem even better. I also love your "DRINK" pitcher. :)

  2. I am a huge J.D. Robb/Nora Roberts fan and have read all the In Death books (minus the short stories she typically does in the Fall. I've read some but not all). They are so freaking good and it amazes how she continues to come up with new ideas. Or maybe that's a sad commentary that there are always new ways for people to hurt someone. Anyway, I think the books get even better, especially as she builds some stronger, regular secondary characters. Anonymous Girl is on my TBR. I really enjoyed their first book, The Wife Between Us.

  3. I’m still waiting to crack an Anonymous Girl. I picked it from BOTM last fall and just keep setting it aside. I agree about Ruth Ware. I HATED The Woman in Cabin 10 but The Lying Game was good. I’m mostly uninterested in this one. My mom has read all the In Death books, they’re her faves.

  4. I really loved The Death of Mrs. Westaway was one of my favorites. I also loved her latest! Hopefully you will too!


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