Infertility support from around the internet | The struggle of plus-size fertility treatment, encouraging posts, and favorite Instagram accounts

I know I am not the only one constantly Googling for blog posts or memes that relate to my current life state. I may sound like a broken record at this point, but infertility has become all-consuming in my life, and in my search to not feel crazy, I've come across some wonderful infertility bloggers/ Instagrammers that I want to share with all of you. 

My favorite Instagram accounts.
Morgan Harper Nichols // She is not an infertility blogger per say, but she posts such encouraging art and quotes. I love scrolling through her feed. 
I saw this after attending yet another baby-related function, and it gave me
so much comfort during a really dark, depressing day. This quote gives me
so much hope. I look at it often. 

@while_we.wait // I really like Sarah's account because she tries so hard to be so positive, and tries to not let infertility affect her life too much. 

@fertilitysmarts // This account has some funny cartoons about the reality of life when TTC. I also like that it reposts other infertility accounts and also has some really relatable graphics.

@missconceptioncoach // She has the most comforting, relatable, REAL posts out there about infertility. She puts into words my thoughts and feelings about infertility and its misconceptions. 

@fatpostivefertility // My newest follow, but probably the one I need the most right now- an account dedicated to empowering fat women trying to get pregnant, despite all the medical professionals who don't believe we can do it. 

@hilariouslyinfertile // She is just hilarious. Her account is my go-to when I need to laugh it off. 

Other favorite posts from around the internet:

Hali's blog post, I wasn't expecting this. // Hali talks about the difficulty in accepting her and her husband's struggles of TTC, and how neither of them were prepared for the ups and downs that came along with it. This post was such a comfort to me at the time that I was thinking about disclosing to my doctor, after almost 12 months of unsuccessful conception, and feeling so grateful that there was someone else out there who didn't expect their journey to go this way. At the time, I was feeling naive and stupid for thinking it was going to be a much easier process than it had become.

How Infertility Really Feels – And Why It’s So Different From Common Misunderstandings

Infertility Explained By Ross Geller // This is a hilarious (and true) explanation of infertility that features Ross Gellar from Friends 

(The next few articles specifically relate to  plus-size pregnancy and plus-size women struggling to become pregnant, and finding medical assistance to start their families.)

Books I've read recently that discuss infertility 

I hope these resources help! Infertility can be isolating and lonely, and it's nice to not feel so alone when you're caught up in that rollercoaster of emotions. If you know of any good resources, please drop them down below in the comments! 

Linking up with Lindsay and Penny. 


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