Currently | August 2019

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today I am talking all things life, lately. 
Currently, I am... 

I have been Amazon Priming a lot lately.
I bought myself hair accessories- some adorable scrunchies...

...and a pack of really cute headbands.

I needed a case for my new work-issued MacBook... 

... and Val requested a hat clamp thing for the washing machine to hold its shape.

I bought a new Kindle case that I absolutely love... 

... and I found a new fantasy novel that sounds super interesting. 

I fell in love with this super cute tank top...

...and I needed a new lunchbox that fit more stuff in it!

.... should my Amazon Prime orders be a new post I do monthly? Hmm... 

I wish I could say something other than Criminal Minds? 
Also, it's the beginning of the new month, so that means all my favorite book YouTubers are posting their monthly reading wrap-ups from July. 

So much HelloFresh lately. My most recent faves have included: 
Parmesan-Crusted Chicken

Shrimp and Chorizo Paella

Cauliflower Bacon Mac 'n Cheese

How people can balance everything so well.. between working full time, keeping up with the house, eating healthy, maintaining friendships, dating your spouse, exercising, and outside hobbies... I don't get it! If I focus on one thing, something else falls to the wayside. 

most people would say that they were savoring the last of summer... well, not this girl. I'M OVER SUMMER. But, I do have to say that I'm savoring all the daylight we get during the summer. Because before we know it, it's going to start getting dark at like 4 PM! 

other life things
We went on vacation to Philly and DC with our friends and had a great time (post here).

We had a heartbreaking, disappointing fertility appointment that I am (obviously) still not over.  

I read SO many good books that I loved & discussed (post here). 

I did a fun "Three Things" post that I saw Brianne do (and that originated on Steph's blog, I believe). 

And I talked about how we refinished our farmhouse style dining table here! Writing this post was a labor of love, that's for sure! I wanted to make sure it was detailed enough for newbies yet also had some good tips for seasoned DIY-ers, so it took me almost 2 months of working on it to finish. I hope it helps someone with their future project! 

 I'd love to know what you're ordering, watching, cooking, wondering, savoring, and anything else that's new with you

Linking up with Anne and Kristen


  1. Ooh looks like you got some fun things via Amazon. I have a copy of Sorcery of Thorns that I will hopefully find time to read soon - I've heard good things! I used to love scrunchies, so I really need to get some new ones now that they're back!! I love it!!

    I like watching re-runs of Criminal Minds - Reed is my favorite. :) I've been watching a lot of old Psych episodes too. LOVE that show.


  2. Ooh I love a Prime haul. The lunch box is so cute! And the scrunchies just might have to go into my cart - how fun.

    And I am SO sorry to read about your fertility journey disappointment. It is wonderful that you are willing to share such a personal struggle, because I'm sure that will be helpful to many, but going through it is just so overwhelming and unfair. Totally stinks.

  3. Yayyy for trips to Philly!!! I'll have to read that post since that's where I am! :) And those headbands are the cutest! (also I totally agree with everything Anne said...I'm so sorry about the really rough appointment you had recently!!)


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