Three Things

I saw this on Briane's blog and loved the post so I decided to give it a shot as well. Here are my three things:

Three movies I've watched more than 20 times 
1. The Holiday 
2. Mary Poppins
3. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Three things I don’t do

1. Run/ hike/ yoga
2. Wear makeup often 
3. Baby my books- I dog-ear, highlight/ write in the margins, AND crack the spine (shocker)

Three things I'm always up for doing
1. Pedicure 
2. Shop for home decor 
3. Go out for lunch/ dinner 

Three good things that happened this month

I will be honest, I'm not in good headspace this month. Things have been really difficult lately but here are some good things that did happen:
1. Vacation
2. Spent lots of time with my hubby
3. Got our new rugs in!

Three things I'm tired of

1. Summer. I'm ready for fall. 
2. Infertility. It freaking SUCKS and the heartbreak you feel on the daily is unbelievable. 
3. Ignorant people (re: the ones who can't have a productive conversation, argue with you and think you're wrong even though we are all entitled to our own personal beliefs and morals. UGH.)

Three things I'll never tire of

1. My dog, Cooper
2. Book browsing
3. Pasta (specifically: mac & cheese)

Three things I like to photograph

1. My dog (as evidenced by my Instagram account)

2. Landscapes

3. Daily life/ activities
Doing stuff around the house

Recipes/ meals I cook

Snuggles with the pup

Books I read 

Three things I can't resist 

1. Listening to country music in the car. I haven't switched my radio station in over a year and a half (unless my husband does- then I just switch it back to Cat Country)
2. Whenever we are in the car together, I always hold my husband's hand. The car ride feels weird if I don't. 
3. Domestic thriller novels and police procedurals. Makes sense since I love crime shows on TV. 


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