Currently | July 2019

Haven't done one of these in a while, so I thought I'd give it a go! Currently, I have been...

Watching: Criminal Minds & Lucifer on Netflix, and all the Reading Rush vlogs on YouTube

Reading: Throne of Glass (and LOVING it!). I just love Sarah J. Maas' writing style.

Listening: to my "Happy." playlist on Spotify, and an audiobook on Scribd (Immortal in Death by JD Robb)

Shopping: I just bought myself a new fantasy book (Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson), sandals to replace an old pair that I had to throw out, and a Picture Exchange resource on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Nora Roberts | I used to think of her as an author that my mom or aunt would read, but she's prolific for a reason. Her writing is just great and she is so versatile.

Reading fantasy | I've been in the mood for reading to escape lately, and nothing does a better job of that than a fantasy story!

Universal Thread shorts | These are the perfect length and I'm obssessed with the wash and how they fit.

Universal Thread sandals| For a flat sandal, these are surprisingly comfortable. I like how they wrap-around my foot and are not an open back shoe - when you work with kiddos you never know when you have to take off after them!

Purse from Amazon | I bought this bag months ago and have been using it for my daily bag, but it really came through for me when exploring DC with friends a couple weeks ago. Its lightweight, the perfect size, and was well worth the money (under $20!). I'm still using it as my daily bag.

Baseball hats | (nothing new... I've just been loving wearing them!)

Using my library (& Overdrive) | Both my wallet and lack of bookshelf space are thanking me for this recent obsession. I am hoping to get to the library and take out physical books in person soon. It's hard with summer hours and working full time to get there sometimes. Heres a peek at my current loans... I may have too many out lol

Looking forward to: going to the waterpark with my sisters-in-law/ nieces & nephew next month

What's new with you guys? I'd love to chat life, lately in the comments below!

Linking up with Lindsay


  1. Dude, how did I not know that Tar-Jay sold wide shoes? I've been looking around east Guam since Payless closed!

    1. Yes but online only! They never carry wide in-store


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