Survey says!

Hey everyone, I can't remember where I found this fun survey but I wanted to fill it out and share with you all. These silly surveys are a great way to get to know the person behind the blog. I hope you enjoy, and I'd love to read your version of this! 

Favorite Food: I love Mexican food. Sad story: my husband hates it, except for basic tacos. I usually have to con my friends into going otherwise I don't get to eat it a ton.

Flip Flops or High Heels: flip-flops all the way. I HATE heels with a passion.  

Favorite Places to Shop: Amazon, Home Goods, TJ Maxx/ Marshalls, Target  

Standard Coffee Order: I LOOOOVE me a medium iced coffee with caramel swirl, cream only please :) 

Road Trip must have snack: I love chips and Sour Patch Kids on road trips lol.

DIY or Hire it Out: DIY. Or, make the husband do it. 

Top Five TV Shows: These change all the time. But currently, I'm always switching between NCIS, This Is Us, Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries, Outlander, and Gilmore Girls. 

Favorite Book: This is such a mean question. I'm going to have to throw it back to To Kill A Mockingbird and The Diary of a Young Girl. Recently though, some books that I loved were The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah, The Simple Wild by KA Tucker, Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. 

Favorite Form of Exercise: Zumba. Everything else sucks. Lol 

How tall are you?: Do you mean how short are you? ha. I am 5'2" 

Do you try something new at restaurants or stick to favorites?: I am such a creature of habit and always order the same thing.  Every time I try something new I never enjoy it.

One make up item you can’t live without?: I rarely use makeup these days but if I had to choose, I'd say mascara. 

What’s on your nightstand?: Lamp, clock, coaster, and phone charger. I keep it pretty simple!

Music that reminds you of High School?: Akon, Lil' Wayne, T-Pain... haha oh brother. So embarrassing!

If you could live anywhere in the world other than your current city where would you live?: I would love to live in Nashville, DC, or Austin.

Tell us something about you we may not know: I'm incredibly hard on myself.  I beat myself up when I make a mistake. It's something I'm working on! 

Websites you read/browse: Blogger, Instagram, and whatever Google searches I end doing that day, because I Google everything!

Morning person / night owl: Can neither be an answer? Ha. I'm a mid-morning and pre-evening person. 

Favorite / least favorite chore?: My least favorite chores are laundry,- specifically folding and putting away- cleaning my bathtub, and any tedious deep cleaning task. My favorite chores are probably overall tidying and cleaning my kitchen.  

I love doing these! If you have done any fun surveys, send them over to me- the more random, the better!

Thanks for reading, 


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