Cold walks near the ocean, an afternoon in Boston, and a very productive day off

Hey everyone, it's been a hot minute since I've  done a weekend recap. Honestly my weekends lately have not been that interesting- but this time, I actually had a pretty full weekend!

I had Wednesday through Friday off this week but my time off started off as kind of a bummer. We had been thinking about going away to New Hampshire for a couple days while I was off, but timing-wise it didn't work out and our plans fell through. So on  Wednesday, I decided to work for a few hours. I prepped for and attended a client's IEP meeting that was about an hour away so I was gone for most of the morning. During that time my husband, while working in the garage, hurt his back. We had planned to go hiking in New Hampshire the next day so unfortunately all our plans went out the window. I spent the rest of the day making sure he was OK and helping him any way that I could.

Thursday was a pretty relaxed and lazy day because my husband still wasn't feeling well. We went out for breakfast at a new local spot that we hadn't tried yet and I finally made it to the new Aldi that just opened up! I really liked it and I think I'm going to start shopping there more often. I ended up cooking us southwestern stuffed peppers for dinner and we watched Elementary on TV.

On Friday, after my husband's chiropractor appointment, we ate lunch at Flo's Clam Shack in Newport, RI. After lunch we started to walk around the town, but that didn't last too long- it was freezing so we resorted to driving around instead! We got home just in time to go to my aunt's house for a joint birthday party for her and my grandmother. They were born on the same day one year apart. It was a good night spent with family.

I have no idea what I did on Saturday lol! I guess it was a stay at home day again.

On Sunday morning, my husband took a nap after work (he works overnights/ 3rd shift) while I did some things around the house. Around 1 PM, he woke up and we got ready to go to Boston for the afternoon. We walked around Fanueil Hall Marketplace which surprisingly I don't think I've ever been to- even though I only live about 40 minutes away from there. Val had never been either so it was fun to go through all the markets and check out all the food vendors, booths, and stores.

We also had to stop by the infamous Mike's Pastry, which is only about a 10 minute walk away from the marketplace in the North End. I loved our walk there. This part of Boston is so neat -  you walk on cobblestone streets and see really old brick buildings. It has an awesome historic vibe and is a pretty cool contrast to the bustling city life.

Anyway, at the bakery we got a peanut butter canoli, an oreo cannoli, a slice of strawberry cheesecake, and some sort of chocolate puff pastry (tip: if you plan to go to Mike's Pastry, make sure you have cash. It's a cash only business. Surprisingly a lot of small businesses in the North End are cash only!).

We were dying to try the pastries, but we decided to wait until we got home to enjoy them. Spoiler alert: they were delicious!

On our walk back to the car, we walked by the Greenway and decided to take a break and enjoy the hanging porch swings. We hung out for about a half hour, people watching and talking. It was my favorite part of the night.

We got home from Boston around 8 pm and decided to pick back up on our Marvel marathon. Back in May we had started watching all the movies in chronological order but honestly I think we just forgot about it with how busy life got! We ended up watching Thor. Next up is The Avengers. In case you wondering, this is the website that I found with the movie order. That's how we ended our night, with Cooper in between us on the couch (here's a picture I snapped a couple weeks ago showing the exact same scenario).

Today is Monday, which I had off because it was Veterans Day. The day started off slow but it ended up being really productive - probably the most productive day I've had in a while. We lounged around the house in the morning, then went grocery shopping.  I put all the groceries away and then caught the organizing bug, which I tended to for the rest of the day.

In between meal prepping white chicken chili and making dinner (we had breakfast for dinner- tater tot casserole), I ended up organizing our spice cabinet, pantry, the cabinet under the sink, and I also decluttered a cabinet so I could have room for my cutting boards instead of having them on my counter. I cleaned the kitchen for what seemed to be about 3 or 4 times in the process of doing everything. I also cleaned my floors, did laundry, and tidied up my office. It was a really productive afternoon and now I'm pooped!

As I write this, it's about 11 PM. I am happy to say that I am prepped and ready for the work day tomorrow. The kitchen is clean and laundry is put away. My lunch is all set, I have my outfit picked out, and my bag is packed. Hopefully now for the rest of the night I can just relax and watch some TV in bed. I hope you guys all had a great and wonderful weekend. Thanks for joining me on my weekend recap!

And to all of our Veterans, past and present: thank you for your service. We appreciate you more than you know.

Linking up with Lindsay.


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