Three Things | No. 3

I love when Steph does her monthly Three Things post and I always try to join in on the fun. So here goes!  

Things I'm looking forward to before the end of the month 
1. Days off for holidays. 
2. Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday! 
3. Decorating for Christmas... it's our Black Friday tradition. 

Things I'm happy with 
1. My husband recently got his days off shifted, so starting in January he will be off Thursday and Friday instead of Wednesday/Thursday! I'm so dang excited about that. 
2. I'm loving how I styled our buffet table. I haven't changed it in almost 6 months and dont think I'm going to for a while, except to maybe add some winter greenery. 
3. Christmas movies are on TV and I couldn't be happier about it. Hallmark channel never leaves my TV screen lol. 

Things I don't understand 

1.The political climate these days. The tension between parties is seriously scary. Those with power seems to care more about proving their point than working together to effectively fix our country's problems. These days you can't bring up your political beliefs without being yelled at that you're wrong and thought less of. I hate that you're walking on egg shells. 
2.  Most car/ mechanic- related conversations that my hubby tries to have with me. Bless his heart, he tries so hard to explain things to me in layman's terms. I just don't understand how the mechanics of cars work lol. 
3.  So apparently, Disney put trigger warnings on their classic movies. I can't even get behind that. Obviously, the movies were made a long time and don't portray the same societal norms as we value now. But why does that actually matter? People these days get offended over everything. I commend Disney for protecting their butt so some delicate flower out there won't sue them or whatever, but it's still ridiculous that this is our culture today. Ok... rant over! I just obviously don't get it. Lol. 

Things I love to eat at Thanksgiving
1. Spiral ham
2. Portuguese stuffing
3. Mashed potatoes 

Things I need from the store 
1. To return some clothes (that counts right?). I had been on the search for some new jeans and bought a few pairs at Target and Kohl's to try before purchasing jeans from American Eagle. Needless to say, all the pants are going back because I'm so happy with my American Eagle jeggings!
2. Groceries for a recipe: spaghetti squash & diced tomatoes
3. An organizer for my pots and pans. But I think I'm going to search Amazon for that!

Things I don't like to do 
1. Folding and putting away laundry 
2. Grocery shopping
3. I HATE doing returns. They end up just sitting in my trunk and I never do them.

Things I've said out loud to strangers this week 
Ha! I honestly have no idea. I'm usually pretty cordial to strangers though. So probably I said:
1. Have a good day
2. Thank you
3. Sorry!

Things that smell good in this season
1. Wood stoves  My  Neighborhood has house is filled with them. We wish we had one! 
2. Apple pie. My favorite dessert, ever.
3. The air pre-snow ("I smell snow!"). It's a thing, don't deny it!
Image result for i smell snow gilmore girls

Hope you guys join in on the fun! Thanks for reading!

Linking up with Lindsay and Penny.  


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