What's Up Wednesday | November 2019

How is it already almost the end of November?! This year is flying by. I can't believe Thanksgiving is already tomorrow. And only a month until Christmas! Let's recap, shall we?
What we're eating this week. Lately, my hubby and I have been eating separate dinners since I have been eating low carb and he... well, hasn't lol. What I try to do is cook in batches so he will have several meals for the week, or I will add a side to the meal that I prepare for myself and (very sadly) give it to my husband lol.
Monday: Taco meat stuffed peppers and I mixed hubby's filling with rice.
Tuesday: guy's night out for hubby and I ate leftovers
Wednesday: cauliflower crust pizza... chicken bacon ranch version
Thursday: Thanksgiving, hell yeah!
Friday: we usually eat Thanksgiving leftovers. Yum!

What I'm reminiscing about. Everyone has been doing the 10 year challenge on Facebook and Instagram this week. I can't believe 10 years ago I was 20, in college, working part-time, renting, single... Life was so different! It feels like a lifetime ago. Let's appreciate my acceptance that I need to wear glasses everyday and look dang cute in them... I NEVER used to wear them!

What I'm loving. I have been loving using my Samsung notes app lately. I also found a cooking blog I'm obsessed with, Sandy's Kitchen Adventures. I blogged about my most recent favorites here.

What we've been up to. Its been kind of a crazy month! We took our firearms safety course, had appointments at the police station for our license to carry, Val had not 1 but 2 back injuries and I forced him to become a regular chiropractor patient, we took a day trip to Boston, I started my new low carb diet, I had several training workshops, and now we're gearing up for the holidays! Phew!

What I'm dreading. Navigating the holidays when people constantly ask us, "when are you having kids?". That's always fun. (My family doesn't know about our infertility. I'm not comfortable sharing that with them yet!).

What I'm working on. I need to renew my professional license, so I've been saving for that and making sure I meet all the requirements for it. I've also embarked on a mission to declutter and reorganize our kitchen cabinets. So far I've cleaned out 4 cabinets. Next up on the list is to finish my purge and scrub down the cabinet faces and tops.

What I'm excited about. A quiet Christmas with my husband. We're trying to keep it low key this year and limit our commitments.

What I'm watching. We keep truckin' along on our Marvel marathon. We have also restarted Elementary. And of course, I'm watching Christmas movies- the cheesier, the better. Hallmark for the win!

What I'm reading. I'm currently reading Rapture in Death, which is the fourth book in the In Death series by JD Robbs. Book #5 is also checked out from my library. And I really want to start KA Tucker's new release, Say You Still Love Me.

What I'm listening to. Nothing new, just country music mostly!

What I'm wearing. LOTS of cozies. I've been bundled up in sweaters and cozy pants around the house. And because we've had a lot of dreary weather here in New England lately, my new raincoat has been getting used a lot. I also found a new style of jeans that I cant get enough of, and a cute mustard yellow shirt from Target that I just love! The color is so perfect.

What I'm doing this weekend. Its Thanksgiving weekend for us! We have 2 Thanksgiving meals to attend- my parents' for lunch and my in-laws' for dinner. We have a tradition of watching a movie Thanksgiving night and driving around to look at all the lines at the stores lol. On Black Friday we usually stay home or go to my mom's for leftovers. I may peek around the stores in the afternoon/night with my husband, but other than that it's pretty low key. We decorate for Christmas on Black Friday too. Then Saturday I think I may have coffee with my best friend and her adorable little girl, who calls me Auntie Fe. And that's it, really. Just normal puttering around the house and errands. Its probably time to start shopping for Christmas too.

What I'm looking forward to next month. More days off from work, spoiling my hubby with Christmas presents, going to a local Christmas light festival, and only one more month until my husband gets better days off from work!

What else is new. Not much! I know it's still a month and a half away, but I'm looking forward to 2020. 2019 has been rough! A fresh start is in order.

Linking up with Shay and Lindsay.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your infertility.

    Also, the JD Robb series is so good. I've read the entire series about three times already and started a fourth re-read about a month ago.

  2. Thank you, Natasha!

    I agree, it's so great. I'm slowly trucking through but it's been so fun.

    Love your name, by the way… my younger sister's name is Natasha :) hope you had a wonderful holiday (if you celebrate)!


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