Currently | January 2020

Today I am joining Anne for her monthly Currently link-up. In today's post I am going to talk about what I am currently resolvingreadingcleaningcreating, and planning. 

resolving some yearly and monthly goals for 2020. I'll have a post all about those soon! 

reading Dark Lover by JR Ward in a desperate attempt to not feel slumpy again. I started The Woman in the Window for the second time but couldn't get past the first 50 pages- such a bummer! It was putting me in a slump so I'm hoping Dark Lover will be good pick me up. 

cleaning everything! I just finished tackling my kitchen cabinets. My next big declutter project is my guest room, since it is kind of a dumping ground for all the things that don't have homes. I would also like to clean out my office a bit more, since that room will eventually be a nursery. 

creating organization systems for my bathroom. Under my sink is a HOT MESS, not to mention my laundry room situation! I'll be working on that in January for sure. 

planning with nightly to-do lists. I have gotten in the habit of making "life" to-do lists every night before bed, so that I can tackle some life projects during the work week instead of just on the weekends. The lists range from making appointments, to laundry, to cleaning out my trunk, to meal prep, or honestly whatever else will make my life a bit easier Monday-Friday. I've discovered that it gives me peace of mind, quiets my mind, and overall just organizes my life so much. 

Linking up with Anne.  


  1. I love the idea of doing a list in the evening - always good to get these things out of your brain before you try to sleep :) Thanks for joining in, and happy 2020!

  2. Lists make my life so much better too. I usually do one on Saturday mornings for the week ahead, but I like the idea of doing one in the evening. I am also cleaning everything! Lol. Have a great week, and happy new year!

  3. I never read The Woman in the Window, but I AM curious about the movie!


  4. I've been in a bit of a reading slump as well. It' snot really the books so much as I have no urge to read.

    Good luck with Dark Lover. I read up to book 8??? I think.

    Karen @ For What It's worth


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