2019 goal recap and 2020 goals.

I know I just wrote a goal-centered blog post recapping December and planning for January, but I wanted to recap how I did with 2019's goals and also share what I am setting out to accomplish in 2020. 

2019 goals recap and update:
Stick to an evening and morning routine(s). I did pretty well with this. I always go to bed with a clean kitchen/ living space unless I'm not feeling well or extremely lazy, and I try my hardest to "get ready" in the mornings before work. It's really helped me from not always having to rush out the door like a hot mess. I've even gotten in the habit of prepping my lunch and snacks as well (although not as often as I'd like). It's a game changer. 

Read every night before bed. This goal went really well until August. I didn't finish another book until December after that! I couldn't get into anything I picked up. I am going to keep this in my goals for this year. Reading helps me to wind down at night and it's a great addition to my evening routine.  

Change amount of money going to savings every month on my direct deposit. Done! This took about 5 minutes and saved us thousands of dollars last year. 

Start renovations on our home. SO many things came first before indoor renovations last year. Val's cars were all broken at the same time, we installed a shed, Val did landscaping work outside and we refinished our kitchen table. Starting the remodel is still on our list for this year hopefully. 

Make one extra mortgage payment. We did do this! I'm so proud of us. We worked really hard last year to make that happen.

Spend less time mindlessly scrolling on my phone. I'm not sure how I did with this. I might have to make it more objective if I decide to keep it for this year. I feel like I definitely spent way too much time on my phone last year. 

2020 Goals:
Read 36 books in 2020. The past two years, I have read 24-30 books per year, so this year, I want to aim for 36. That seems manageable for me- it comes out to 3 books a month. 

Read at least 30 minutes before bed for 4/ 7 nights of the week. Making this more attainable than last year! Reading before bed is so important to me. 

Make getting ready in the morning a priority. Even if I'm not styling my hair everyday, I want to make my morning routine a priority. I want to take my time getting ready, do my skincare, use hair accessories, wear a nice outfit, etc. 

Do some remodeling in our home. We want to build the half-wall up to the ceiling and shiplap it. I would also love to start on our kitchen but that might be a bit of a stretch. We also want to move the attic access to the hallway and fix up our closet.  

Spend more time with others. It's no secret I'm a homebody. I sometimes get so "stuck" in my solo routine (especially on weekends) that I don't reach out to friends or family- and before I know it Monday has come around and I haven't seen a single person in my life. I don't like that. I need to live my life, not spend eery single second of it indoors watching TV and cleaning my house. There's more to life than that! I think with Val's new days off we will be able to do things with others on the weekends. 

Move more and continue eating healthy. I know this sounds cliche, but hear me out. I live a very sedentary lifestyle, and want to incorporate more movement in my everyday life. This could mean going for a walk everyday, taking an exercise class twice a week,  or parking farther away in parking lots. I just want to move my body in ways that feel good to me. I also want to keep up my healthy eating habits that I started late last year. The low carb/ lean protein "diet" makes me feel really good and not so sluggish. 

Wish me luck. What are some of your 2020 goals? 


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