Monthly To-Do's | December update and January goals

Let's see how I did with my goals for December and talk about my goals for January. 

December Goals: 
finish decluttering my kitchen cabinets.  Check! We are officially decluttered. It feels so dang good to have space in my cupboards. 

scrub down the kitchen cabinets. Check! I'm so happy this finally got done, ya'll. It had been on my to-do list for weeks. 

finish Christmas shopping by the 20th. NOPE. This didn't get checked off... I didn't even start my shopping until the 20th. Have I mentioned that I DESPISE shopping for Christmas presents?   

purchase a fiddle leaf fig for my living room.  Check! I found this one on QVC for under $40.00 because of Black Friday and a discount for my first ever purchase from there. At 5' tall, it was such a steal! I can't wait to put it in my living room/ kitchen. It will replace where the Christmas tree is right now. 

try 3 new recipes.  Check! I made the best chicken salad ever, a "tater tot"/ cauliflower hamburger casserole, and chicken alfredo with zoodles. 

Fix my office closet. Check! Yay, this one finally got done! I'm so relieved that it's a functional space again. Here's to hoping it doesn't get that crazy again. 

make a hair appointment for myself. NOPE! I'll be rolling this over into January for sure. Why do I never take time for self-care? Hmm. 

clean up my office. Check! I did this the first week of December and it made me feel soooo much better. I made room for my current DIY project and just did a general tidy of my space. It looks sooooooo much better. 

January Goals:
For January, I chose to keep it short and sweet and to focus on goals that will make me feel good and make my life easier in the long run. 

Make a hair appointment. I REALLY need to refresh my hair! It always makes me feel good about myself. 

Try 3 new recipes (again).  I loved trying to be creative with my meals. It made the mundane task of making dinner fresh and fun. 

Meal prep for my workweek lunches. I usually do this at least 2 weekends a month, but want to make it a more consistent weekly thing.

Purchase our headboard/ bed. Last Christmas, we upgraded and bought a King size mattress and adjustable base. Throughout 2019 we worked to pay it off before we purchased our headboard. I am looking at tufted, upholstered beds so we don't have to worry too much about trying to match it to our current bedroom set. We have been shopping around the last month or so, and I hope we finally make a decision this month. Not having a headboard for a year killed me, lol. 

Low-spend month. Trying to recuperate from Christmas, ya'll. It's time for a low-spend month aside from essentials. 

What are some of your goals for January? 

Linking up with Lindsay and Lindsay.  


  1. Decluttering is so satisfying isn't it?

    I have put myself on a book buying ban for January. I'm not saying no spending because loads of family members have January birthdays and I have a few things to buy for our flat, but definitely no books!

  2. Woman, we should make this a weekly ritual at my house. Grocery haul,coffee and meal prep. We'll start a YT channel 😂😂😂

  3. My goal also was to finish Christmas shopping early and I don’t know how, but we finished about 7 or so days before and it was such a great feeling. I hate scrambling last minute amongst other lovely, “joyous” people. LOL


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