Let's Chat Books | No. 2 | Dilemmas of a Book Nerd tag

This is a fun one! I can't remember if I found this on a blog or YouTube, but here is my take on the dilemmas of a book nerd tag.

Dilemma #1: Book Storage – How do you store and organize your books? Just a normal old bookshelf. I am shopping around for a new one. I've had this shelf since I was about 5 years old. As far as organization, he top of the bookshelf is my Harry Potter collection, then the next two shelves are my mystery/thriller Book of the Month collection, followed by Contemporary/ Romance BOTM shelf, my YA/ Fantasy BOTM shelf, and finally the last two shelves are random paperbacks/ short hardbacks that I have collected over the years. I created in my Kindle shelves for different genres and organize my ebooks that way.

Dilemma #2: TrackingHow do you keep track of what you have read and what books you own? I use Goodreads to track what I have read. I don't usually track what books I own or haul.

Dilemma #3: Borrow – Do you lend your books out? Yes! The more that read them, the merrier!

Dilemma #4: Buying – How do you buy or acquire your books? The majority of my books were acquired through Book of the Month, which I sadly no longer subscribe to try to save some money. But I also buy a lot on Kindle, Amazon, and Target. I love Barnes and Noble but their prices are outrageous.

Dilemma #5: Comments – How do you respond to the “How do you read so much” comment or similar comments? I usually just tell them I try to read every night or try to laugh it off. Usually the "comments" are in a way poking fun of my homebody, introverted life.

Dilemma #6: Next Book – How do you pick your next read? Whatever I'm in the mood for is what I go for next. I often will read the first 10-15 pages of a book and if it doesn't grab my interest then I move on to the next. I also do this with multiple genres. I'll do a domestic thriller, then a romance, then a historical fiction... etc. until I find a book that I want to continue on with.

Dilemma #7: Travel – How do you pick what book(s) you bring on vacation with you? Whatever is portable- so basically anything on my Kindle.

Dilemma #8: Annotate – Do you write or highlight or mark up your books in any way? Yes, I love to highlight/ underline in my books. I also use the highlight feature on Kindle a TON.

Dilemma #9: New or Backlist – Which do you prefer, new releases or backlist books? I like both. I often discover new authors from their new releases, and then go digging in to their backlist for more reads. They get bonus points if there's a lot to get through :)

Dilemma #10: Sequels – Do you read books as they are released or wait for an entire series to be published before reading 1 book? Both! I love the anticipation of waiting for new series, but nothing is better than having an entire series to binge whenever I want. 


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