Recent Reads | December 2019 & early January 2020

Hi everyone, I'm back again to talk recent reads with Steph and Jana and the Show Us Your Books link up. I didn't do one of these at all in the fall, because I hit a reading slump in late August that lasted until early December. I kept picking up books, putting them down, and starting new ones. It was a mess and I'm so glad that I'm back to my reading routine. But last month, once I started reading, I couldn't stop- I read 7 books in December and early January!

The Bromance Book Club. I just gushed about this book ad nauseam in my yearly favorites post- all that matters is that I adored it and you should totally read it! 

The Obsession. Naomi has been running from her past- and infamous serial killer father- her whole life, ever since saving his victim's life and turning him in when she was a little girl. A successful photographer, Naomi takes up a nomad's life for years, until she falls in love with an old bed and breakfast and decides to fix it up and make it her home. There she falls in love with the small town, its quirky residents, and Xander. Until women start going missing, turning up dead a few days later- the same way that her father's victims were discovered. Guys, this book was SO good. I read it so quickly and I think it's safe to say that Nora Roberts has become one of my new favorite authors. 

The Witness. I was really on a Nora Roberts kick, and decided to pick up The Witness immediately after finishing The Obsession. Elizabeth Fitch witnessed a double murder at the hand of the Russian mafia in Chicago, one of the victims being her friend. She flees from the scene, turning to the local authorities for help and she swiftly enters witness protection, in preparation to testify- until one day, her safe house is compromised, the US Federal Marshalls guarding her are killed, and she flees again. She changes her name, moves to a small town in the Ozarks, and lives a solitary, reclusive life designing security systems. Her past catches up to her when she, with the help of the man she has fallen in love with, decides to once again trust the authorities to end the Volkov organized crime regime for good. I enjoyed this book, but not as much as The Obsession. I found myself skimming the book because I was bored. Abigail's character is odd, almost robotic, and I found her dull- and Brooks I found extremely overbearing and uncompromising. I enjoyed the ending, but this book was just OK for me. I gave it 3/5 stars. 

The Duchess Deal. Tessa Dare wrote a fun, steamy historical romance featuring a marriage of convenience, a scarred war hero, and an independent, fiercely determined heroine. The Duchess Deal was really cute. I enjoyed watching the two fall in love with each other, against all odds, and how they broke down each other's walls. It was a great pick-me-up after The Witness, and I enjoyed every minute reading this book! I devoured it in less than 12 hours and will probably pick up the next companion novel in this series. I gave The Duchess Deal 4/5 stars. 

All Your Perfects. This was my only reread of the year, and it came at a time when I needed it most. Colleen Hoover crafted a beautiful second chance love story between a husband and wife, holding on to their marriage by the skin of their teeth, traumatized by years of struggling with infertility. I adore this book and Colleen Hoover is my favorite author. This was an obvious 5/5 stars, for the second time. 

One Day in December. I got this book over a year ago and thought there no better time to dive into it than in December. This story spans over 10 years. Lu fell in love with a man she saw at the bus stop one day in December, then spends the next year looking for him- only to finally find him at her annual Christmas party, accompanying her best friend and roommate as her new boyfriend, Jack. I was honestly pretty bored while reading this, and was really annoyed with Jack the whole time- he was kind of a self-destructive asshole. I think it would make a cute movie though. I had high hopes for this one, but ultimately gave it 3/5 stars on Goodreads.

Dark Lover by J.R. Ward. You guys, this is paranormal vampire romance at its best. I wanted something fun to read after One Day in December since it was kind of a letdown. This is book 1 in an 18 book series following the Black Dagger Brotherhood, a small army of 5 vampire warriors determined to save their race from the slayers determined to put an end to them. This book was everything I needed and more. It had romance, vampires, a mystery sub-plot, friendship, and humor. I liked it a lot and gave it 4/5 stars on Goodreads.

Did you read any good books last month? I'd love to know! 

Linking up with Steph.


  1. I've ever read a Nora Roberts book! The Obsession sounds so good.

  2. I adored The Obsession too. Also thought the story was so good and honestly, I also really loved hearing about home renovation. Like, I want to live in that home! :D I used to be a huge fan of the Black Dagger Brotherhood but I binged a little too hard so they can be a bit too repetitive and lost interest. Maybe it's time to revisit them and maybe not binge read the series. LOL!


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