What's Up Wednesday | February 2019

Linking up with Mix & Match Mama for my first What's Up Wednesday! What we're eating this week: I admit that meal planning isn't my strong suit, and for the most part we just go with the flow. The most structure we have is my hello fresh meals. On the docket for this week are these 3 hello fresh meals: Pasta parmesan Grilled cheese & veggie jumbo Veggie burrito bowls For the rest of the week, we will probably do tacos, a chicken and veggie meal, and probably order pizza one night as well. What I'm reminiscing about: The other night I was looking through my phone pictures and came across photos of my puppy when he was just a couple months old. I also came across some pictures from our awesome Vegas trip in October of 2014. I would love to have Vegas-in-October weather right now. What I'm loving: Blogging! I'm still really new to this, but it has been so fun and a worthwhile habit, in...