
Showing posts from March, 2019

This is 30

Today is my 30th birthday. Wow... it feels weird to say that. I am no longer in my 20s and am now entering a new decade. I have to say, if the amount I have changed in my 20s is any indication of how this next decade is going to go, I may not recognize myself by my 40th birthday. I've learned a lot over the years.  Some lessons are kind of deep, but then there are also some that are just fun tips that have made your life easier. Here are my lessons that have stood out, especially recently: 1.  Not everyone is going to be your friend. It's OK to have people in your life that you're just "friendly" with. 2.  Literally everyone is just faking it until they make it. One of my supervisors told me this and honestly it has been life changing. I'm not the most confident person in the world, but I have grown a lot in the area after learning that lesson. 3.  You will know who your "true few" are after they stick around when everyone else has gone. ...

Recent Reads | February 2019

This is my first ever link up, and I love that it's about books! This link up is called Show Us Your Books, hosted by Steph and Jana , and it focuses on all the books you read throughout the month. I have to say, February was not the best for me reading-wise. I fell into a pretty big reading slump, and nothing was grabbing my attention. Even though I didn't actually finish many books, I thought it would be a good idea to showcase both sides of my reading this month, the books I enjoyed and also the books that just weren't doing it for me. Hopefully next month my reading will be much more successful and enjoyable. FYI: Any links in this post will link you to the book's Goodreads page, where you can read the synopsis, reviews, and also click to buy the book via several different retailers.  The books I finished:  The Year of Starting Over by Karen King // This was a Netgalley review book, and it was just OK. Like I said in my Goodreads review, I didn't fe...

My favorite cozy spots!

Guys, I'll be honest- I'll all about that hygge life. I love being comfy, and nothing speaks to me more than cozying up on my corner of the couch with a fluffy blanket, my sweet lapdog and the fireplace going. I have a couple corners of my home that speak to me on a hygge level and truly embody the picture of cozy living. My living room: I love this little corner of our home! It houses my 2 favorite corners of the couches, and is illuminated by a soft light lamp with lots of options for blankets and pillows. This is where I do all my blog writing, reading, and cuddling with my sweet family. My office (AKA my "woman cave"): I was on a SERIOUS hunt for a chair that would fit this corner perfectly. I found it at IKEA and I'm basically obsessed with it. It's comfy but also modern and I love that it rocks. I had to get the ottoman for the ultimate comfort when curling up with a good book. The chair is right next to all my books so I have easy access to alllll...

February Catch-up

Linking up with Kristen today to chat about how my February went! This month felt like it lasted 987675789 years, no joke. After coming back to work from January's flu, I definitely felt the overwhelm. I had a hard time focusing on tasks and was pretty anxious about some impending workplace changes that are happening.  I took up blogging again after almost a year break from my (short-lived) last attempt, and have really been enjoying it. I have loved learning about stuff like link ups, reaching out to other bloggers, and reading new content. I'm shifting towards the style and content I like, as opposed to what I thought had to exist on my platform. This one is SO stupid... but I FINALLY caught up on all my laundry and I'm proud to say that I am keeping up with it. I also finally got around to washing my Converse (exciting stuff, I know).  I had a great time catching up with friends, both old and new. I also reached out to two friends who I had lost touch with. I am...

March Goals

Linking up with Beth to talk all about my March goals! This is my first "monthly goals and mantras" link up, so I don't have a report on how February went but let me tell you... gosh last month felt SO long. Ok. On to this month's goals:  1. Make a dentist appointment. And I am SO terrified. I know, it's irrational.  2. Reorganize (& maybe install shelves in) my office closet. Have to get hubby on board to help!  3. Meet all work deadlines this month. Last month was ROUGH. I was totally overwhelmed and not checking my calendar really screwed me. I'm already doing much better with it this month so far.  4. Read 3 books. This is so, so, SO needed because my reading slump struggle has been REAL. And I hate that because I don't feel like myself when I don't read.  5. Catch up with friends. Time with the girls is good for my soul and boy do I need a little of that lately! 6. Request a day off work. I need a day off that I'...

Currently | March 2019

Linking up with Anne for today's Currently post! Scheming: I have been doing some major planning and Pinterest-ing for some house updates, especially wall decor &  bathroom remodel ideas. I am also thinking of ways to organize the closet in my office a bit more... aesthetically? Everything is organized categorically, but I still feel like it's a huge mess. I'll even show you the "before" (please don't judge me lol). See... yikes. This closet does triple duty: it holds all my assessment materials, toys, our filing cabinet, and extra decor for the house. I guess it could be worse?                        Reading: I needed something fluffy and cute to read, so I picked up a classic Jill Shalvis.  Simply Irresistible  is the first book in the Lucky Harbor series. I'm enjoying it so far. I also just picked up  A Stranger in the House  by Shari Lapena. I've heard really good things ...

Recent thoughts in memes

Some recent thoughts in memes... It is SO flippin' cold here! I'm hoping March brings some nice weather.  But, knowing New England... we will probably be dumped with 2 to 3 more snow storms. So I admit to being out of the Pinterest game for a while now, but I recently logged in the other day and was completely blown away when I realized that you could add sections in your boards. Sweeeeet!  That may or may not have been how I spent my Tuesday night when hubby went out with the guys...  I hate when people say, "oh just wait til you have kids". HELLO. What do you think I'm already doing here? Also: dont tell me to "just relax and it will happen".  I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this at least 5 times here this month alone, but those food documentaries on Netflix are crazy. Is anything safe to eat anymore? When you want to have fun and be social, but the minute you get there you immediately want to go home. The Sunday ...

Hit that unfollow button

The other day I was scrolling through Instagram and came across a picture that made me stop in my tracks and think, " what the hell am I doing?". I was looking at a photo of a beautiful girl with a Pinterest hairstyle, who was on her 5th luxury vacation of the year in the most breath-taking location and wearing "on sale" clothing that was (of course) tagged to the expensive designer brands. Then I landed on a home decor Instagrammer, who was showcasing her many rustic home decor items (linked of course), making my simple home seem like it was a cardboard box in comparison. As I continued scrolling through feed after picture-perfect feed, I found myself questioning why I follow these accounts that either: 1.) make me roll my eyes at how unrelatable they are; and 2.) make me feel either jealous or like I am missing out.  Come on, nobody's brunch pictures actually look that good. Have you ever tried to get a picture-perfect photo shoot done with 3 ...

More and Less

As I write this, it is Sunday night. I know I haven't been blogging long, but I have really been enjoying making it part of my nightly routine and writing has really been cathartic for me. Anyway, I can't believe it's almost March. I feel like this year is flying by! Coming up on my 30th birthday (March 31st, yikes!), I have done a lot of reflecting on my life and on who I am as a person. I thought a More/ Less post would be the perfect way to get my thoughts out in writing.  I was inspired after seeing this post on Audrey's blog , and really liked the idea of bringing to light habits, adventures, mindsets, and basically life stuff that you want to do more of and less of in the near future. I think it's a really cool way to hold yourself accountable and honestly just reflect on who you are as a person and how you'd like to improve yourself. So for that, Audrey, thank you! Here goes nothing. :)  The MORE List... Leaving work on time or early if po...