Dear Isabela | A sunny afternoon in Plymouth and signs from you

Our daughter, Isabela Rose, was born and died on May 2nd, 2020. I went into preterm labor at 21 weeks and 5 days after a failed emergency cerclage procedure and developing an infection. I had to deliver my perfect baby girl before her body was ready to enter this world, but she was a fighter. She lived for 1 hour and 45 minutes in our arms, and her Daddy and I loved her the best we could during that time. I started writing letters to her the day after she was born, to help me process our immense loss and grief. "I lost my heart to you, little one, forever, for always, it's yours." -Zoe Clark Coates May 27th, 2020 Hi baby girl, it's your Mommy. Today Daddy, Cooper, Molly and I went out for the first time as a family on one of our summer day trips. We usually do a few of these every summer, where Daddy and I just pick a town to go to in our state or neighboring states, and spend the day there. This time, we decided to go to Plymouth...