Confessions | No. 2

Every time I see or do one of these posts, all I can think of is the Usher song and automatically start singing, These are my confessions... well, here's round 2 of my confessions!

I confess... that the lint in the laundry lint trap grosses me out... and I actually use a paper towel to take it out. My husband thinks I'm nuts. He's probably right.

I confess... that I am SO not tech-savvy and I have to Google how to do everything. For instance, at the moment I can't figure out how to reply to my blog comments. I also can't comment on blogs under my blog/ email account, instead it always wants to link to my work email- and that is something I DEFINITELY don't want. I even deleted my work email from my phone to see if that would help. I need help! Any suggestions???

I confess... that not eating carbs is REALLY hard. The program I am doing is genuinely easy, but the fact that my meals are only protein and vegetables is SO different for me! Ever since I was a kid, I've always had a carb-y side with my dinner. Pasta is my favorite food, and I can't even eat it right now. I just keep telling myself that I am doing this for my future baby and hopeful pregnancy and that it won't be for forever. That's the only thing getting me through some days! I am proud of myself, though. I have been making really good choices. 

I confess... that I still love getting snow days at work. I love my job but those mornings when you wake up to an email that says, "WE'RE CLOSED TODAY" are absolutely amazing. 

I confess... that I started a home project and never finished it. Yikes! A few weeks ago I started painting a cabinet white from its original red color. Well, I only got halfway through before I just stopped. I should pick it back up soon. Its currently sitting in my office waiting for me to start painting it again. Does anyone else start projects and never finish them? 

I confess... that I have NOT been doing a good job with carrying over the dog training sessions that we did last month. We took Cooper to a 4 week dog training class but I haven't been practicing with him at home. I don't want that money to go to waste so I need to get my butt in gear and do some short sessions with him at least a few nights a week. 

I confess... that I am SO scared to cut Cooper's nails! They are black so I can never tell where to stop and Val has cut them too short once before. He's a hot mess the whole time, crying and yanking his foot back. I am also nervous to bring him somewhere since he doesn't do well with nail cutting. Maybe I'll have his vet do it when he goes for his yearly appointment. 

What are some of your confessions? 

Linking up with Lindsay and Penny.


  1. I loved your confessions post! Probably because I identify with so many of your confessions. Who starts projects and never finishes, eats a lot of carbs, and used to love snow days (before I retired)? Me.

    My confession is that my desk looks like a paper bomb went off on top of it. I need to organize that mess STAT!

  2. Love reading this! I start projects and just barely don't finish them either. Have one corner in my garage to finish painting from last January and I'll be done. LOL

  3. one of my lifetime BFFs is scared of lint and will not even do it her hubby removes it lol
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