Survey Says! | No. 2 | Facts in Fours

I'm back today with a survey I found called "Facts in Fours"- basically telling you facts about me with 4 answers per fact. Hope you enjoy! 

Four Names People Call Me (Other Than My Real Name):

My hubby calls me Babe and Love (I know... lame...)

Four Jobs I've Had: (all in the human services field...)

Residential Counselor
Developmental Specialist 
Behavior Management Therapist
BCBA (current)

Four Movies I've Watched More Than Once:

The Holiday
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Guardians of the Galaxy

Four Authors I'd Recommend:
Colleen Hoover

Sarah J. Maas
Kristin Hannah
Taylor Jenkins Reid

Four Places I've Lived:
I've only ever lived in two towns within Massachusetts... lol 

Four Places I've Visited:
Niagra Falls- the most beautiful place I've ever been...

Portland, ME (LOOOOOVE it there, I try to go once a year at least)
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hampton Beach, NH

Four Things I'd Rather Not Eat:

Cous cous (I think it's a texture thing)
Brussel sprouts

Four Favorite Foods:
mac & cheese
anything Mexican 
mashed potatoes
chicken wings

Four TV Shows I Watch:
Gilmore Girls


Four Things I'm Looking Forward To:
Days off for the holidays 

Getting a pedicure maybe next weekend with my bestie... the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning.
Future DIYs- our kitchen renovation, painting my front door, and refinishing a couple furniture pieces.
Losing weight and getting healthier 

Four Things I'm Always Saying:
Drama llama 

The "f" word lol 
"Oh good Lord"
Various other swears... I kind of have a potty mouth lol 

This was a really fun post, and a good way to learn a little bit more about me. I'd love to see others' facts in fours! Leave a link in the comments below if you've done this or are going to. I'd love to read them. 


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