Friday Favorites (on a Sunday?) / holidays off, productive work day, Disney on Ice

Happy Friday folks! I hope everyone had a good week, and an even better holiday! This weekly favorites post is going to be short and sweet, since it's been a slow week thanks to the holiday. 

Christmas Eve and Day off work. I'm so thankful that my company gives us both Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day off. Not many places do that these days so I consider myself lucky. It definitely made easing into the holiday a bit smoother since I wasn't rushing around so much. 

Productive work day at home. I got to work from home the day after Christmas, which was a nice surprise. I had one session in the morning then all my afternoon sessions cancelled, so I decided to work for the rest of the day from my couch. I am rarely productive at home but for some reason, I was able to get so much done that day- I am actually ahead of schedule by a whole week for a treatment plan deadline. That NEVER happens!  

Disney On Ice. I swear this will be the last time I talk about Disney On Ice in my favorites this month. I took my godson and his sister to the show as their Christmas present, and we had so. much. fun. The proof is in the pudding- at least in this case, on the kiddos' faces. 

Have a great week, everyone! Thank you so much for reading!


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