Playing with my nieces and nephew, getting my nails done, and FINALLY organizing my office closet

This weekend was the best one I've had in a while. I am so thankful! It was nice to have some alone/ home time but I loved mixing in plans with family and friends. It was a good balance that I want to try to incorporate more often. 

Saturday started off bright and early and I got a manicure/ pedicure with my best friend. I got a classic red for both. Good conversations were had and it was nice to spend some time with her, as always. I ran home to get some basic cleaning done, and then headed to the Dollar Tree to stock up on greeting cards. I have a box full of them so that I never have to run out last minute before a party. It's probably one of my favorite life hacks. 

In the afternoon, I had my niece's birthday party at our local Children's Museum. It's so cute in there! There are several different rooms that have various themes. There's a "clinic" doctor room, a technology room, an arts and crafts room, a water room, and even an indoor playground! It's a great place to take kiddos, especially in the winter when they need to get their energy out and it's too cold to play outside. I played with my goddaughter and we had so much fun. It's been so special developing our relationship more and more lately. My niece felt so special spending her golden birthday at the museum (she turned 7 on the 7th). I loved seeing all the kids having a blast and it was a great time spent with family. 

My FIL left early and asked if I could drive my mother-in-law and brother-in-law home from the party. It ended up working out because she had some food for my husband and I there anywhere (my husband's cousin has sadly been diagnosed with Leukemia, and to help cover medical expenses, she was having a dinner take-out fundraiser). I ended up staying for coffee and spending some time with her and my SIL. It was so nice. The rest of the night was spent with my husband, who was sleeping all day because he works overnights. I feel bad that he misses out so much because of his job. The bight side is when his days off shift to Thursday/ Friday, he will be able to attend a lot more of our families' Saturday events. 

Today as I write this is Sunday, and it has been a get it all done day. My weekends have been working out that way lately and I really don't mind! Today I slept in a little, which was nice, and then I got to work. I finished my weekly billing for my job, cleaned out my trunk, and started to tackle my office closet. It holds all my toys, materials for work, my handbags, our filing cabinet... it's honestly just a HOT MESS. I have no idea what I'm gong to do with all that stuff when the room eventually turns into a nursery! That task took up the majority of this morning into the mid-afternoon.  

I still need to meal prep some lunches for the week. I think I am going to bake chicken and roast vegetables for the next couple of days. I also need to finish up the laundry. I will never understand why I have so much laundry with only two people in our household. It is an even bigger job than usual because on top of washing our sheets like we usually do on Sundays, I also need to wash our bedroom curtains and all the towels. 

My plans for tonight are going to comprise of making dinner and plopping myself on the couch with my hubby to watch The Black List. We've been loving that show lately. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Cheers to the work week- hope it's a good one! 

Thanks for reading, 
Linking up with Lindsay


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