Currently | December 2019

Happy December, everyone! I'm finally able to participate again in Anne's Currently and Kristen's What's New With You link-ups. The last time I did one was September and I've missed joining in on the fun! This month we are talking all about holiday happenings. 

Currently, I am... 

(not) wrapping. Considering I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet (yikes!), I'm not wrapping anything. We usually just buy for the kiddos, our parents, and close friends. I try not to get crazy and keep it simple. Christmas shopping stresses me out and I put it off every year, it seems. 

baking. Do casseroles count? Ha! I've been having a lot of those, specifically using spaghetti squash. The other day I made a spaghetti squash Mexican beef casserole and I about died, it was that good. I might make that again for dinner this week. Then I (attempted) a spaghetti squash lasagna casserole. Man, did that one flop. Oh well, you live and you learn! (But really, I wish I was baking cookies instead! I'm trying to lose some weight so I haven't been indulging in sweets that much lately.) 

This does NOT look good...but it was AMAZING, trust me!
Made hubby stuffed peppers/rice casserole and my GROSS spaghetti squash lasagna casserole. 

lighting. We put up our Christmas tree! I've been enjoying having that lit up at night. My husband should be putting lights up outside any day now. I'll have to update this post with a picture when that gets done.

sending. We may actually send out Christmas cards this year. I should get on that! I've never done it before. Is it weird to send a card with a selfie? Lol. We don't have any cute pictures together taken by other people. Hmmm.

enjoying. Cozy nights with my little family! We've been really into watching a new show together, The Black List. It's super intriguing and it's been a fun nightly routine for us. Cooper loves when we cuddle on the couch and always gets right up in between us. Always. 

What else is new. November was crazy! Towards the beginning of the month, we had originally planned on an outdoorsy long weekend in the New Hampshire White Mountains, but my husband ended up hurting his back so that put a damper on our plans. So instead, we did a little staycation in the beginning of the month and went on a day trip to Faneuil Hall in Boston when he felt a bit better. I also had some really productive days off from work, so it was a blessing in disguise, I guess (post here)

I lost some weight when I started eating low carb/ lean protein- and, as a result, discovered some new favorite recipes (post here). I also discovered a ton of new favorites this month: a new cooking blog, amazing curve hugging jeans, free continuing education credits, and a really simple app that has helped me get organized and get stuff done (post here). And of course, Thanksgiving and Black Friday ended the month, and it was a crazy busy long weekend spent with family (post here)

In case you missed it, here's a quick blog recap for the month. It's been my busiest blogging month in a while! I'm so proud of myself that I got back in to regular posting. I linked to weekend recaps and Friday Favorites above. Those are probably my favorite to write and share. I did some fun survey blog posts this month. You can find those here and here. I did my own version of Steph's Three Things post, joined in on What's Up Wednesday for the first time in forever (anyone else singing the Frozen song? No? Just me? Ok then...), and finally got a chance to participate in Anne's currently and Kristen's What's New With You link-ups with this post.  

Hope everyone is having a great start to the month! I can't believe it's almost Christmas! 

Linking up with Anne, KristenLindsay, and Penny.  


  1. I'm all about keeping it simple and stress-free whenever possible at the holidays! We've been trying to cut back on the number of gifts over the years too, and try to come up with experiences instead. Hope you enjoy the season!

  2. Spaghetti squash casseroles totally count as baking!!! Sounds incredible. And no rush on the shopping, that's what Amazon Prime is for, right?! haha!

  3. I love colored lights on trees!
    Our newer pre-lit tree (a small version for this year) is clear lights and it's fine, but eventually I'll have a big tree with colored lights again :)


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