ornaments for Izzy & a rant about grief and the holidays

I hope all of my American friends had a good Thanksgiving! And that if you aren't from the US- I hope you had a great weekend. This post has no purpose aside from showing off how I spent my Thanksgiving weekend- making handmade ornaments for our tree. These were so special to me because I made Isabela themed ornaments. These were super easy to make. I got the wood slices from either Michael's or Hobby Lobby a while back with a coupon. They were originally purchased to make little risers/ coasters, but I thought they would be perfect as ornaments. My printer is broken so it won't print in color, but I was able to print black and white photos of our little girl. I painted the wood slices white, letting them dry completely in between coats. While they were drying, I took a wet makeup sponge and wet the edges around the photos so they would tear off roughly. I put on a layer of mod podge on the wood round, stuck the photo on, and mod podged the top of it, smoot...